Livia Troili Livia Troili

welcome spring

springcolors in your home

Embracing the Palette of Spring: A Celebration of Colors

As winter fades away and the world around us begins to awaken, there's an undeniable shift in the air. The arrival of spring heralds a time of renewal, growth, and vibrant transformation. One of the most enchanting aspects of this season is the explosion of colors that accompanies it. From the delicate pastels of blossoming flowers to the lush greens of rejuvenated foliage, spring brings with it a kaleidoscope of hues that captivate the senses and uplift the spirit.

The Awakening of Nature's Canvas

As the last vestiges of winter melt away, nature emerges from its slumber with a burst of color. The barren landscapes are transformed into a tapestry of vivid shades, painting a picture of renewal and vitality. The tender buds on trees unfurl into lush green leaves, while vibrant blooms adorn gardens, parks, and meadows, signaling the arrival of warmer days ahead.

Pastel Perfection: Soft and Serene

One of the defining characteristics of spring is the prevalence of soft, pastel hues that seem to permeate every aspect of the natural world. From the pale pink blossoms of cherry trees to the delicate lavender petals of lilacs, pastel colors evoke a sense of tranquility and serenity. They imbue the landscape with a dreamy quality, as if nature itself is wrapped in a soft, ethereal glow.

The Radiance of Bold Blossoms

While pastels may dominate the early days of spring, as the season progresses, nature begins to unveil its more vibrant side. Bold blossoms in shades of fiery red, sunny yellow, and electric blue burst forth, injecting a sense of energy and vitality into the world around us. These vivid colors are impossible to ignore, demanding attention and infusing every corner of our surroundings with joy and exuberance.

Green, the Color of Life

Perhaps no other color is as synonymous with spring as green. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, verdant foliage begins to carpet the landscape, breathing new life into every corner of the natural world. From the tender shoots of emerging plants to the towering canopies of leafy trees, green symbolizes growth, renewal, and the promise of abundance.

A Symphony of Colorful Contrasts

One of the most captivating aspects of spring colors is the interplay between different hues and shades. The delicate pink of cherry blossoms set against the vibrant green of new leaves creates a striking contrast that is as visually stunning as it is harmonious. Similarly, the juxtaposition of fiery orange tulips against a backdrop of azure skies evokes a sense of drama and excitement that is quintessentially spring.

Embracing Spring Colors in Our Lives

As nature adorns itself in its springtime finery, we too can embrace the vibrant palette of the season in our own lives. Whether it's through the simple act of surrounding ourselves with fresh flowers, incorporating spring-inspired hues into our wardrobe and decor, or spending time outdoors immersing ourselves in the beauty of the natural world, there are countless ways to celebrate the arrival of spring and its kaleidoscope of colors.

The colors of spring serve as a powerful reminder of nature's resilience, beauty, and capacity for renewal. As we marvel at the blossoming landscape and immerse ourselves in the vibrant hues of the season, let us take a moment to appreciate the wonder and magic of springtime colors, and the sense of joy and hope they inspire in us all.

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Livia Troili Livia Troili

Embrace Your Unique Style: Daring to Go Your Own Way in Interior Design

In a world filled with trends and design norms, the idea of embracing your unique style in interior design has never been more empowering. Your home is a reflection of who you are, and it should tell your story. While trends may come and go, your personal taste is timeless. Let’s explore the liberating concept of daring to go your own way in interior design, celebrating the idea that you are the designer of both your life and your home.

In a world filled with trends and design norms, the idea of embracing your unique style in interior design has never been more empowering. Your home is a reflection of who you are, and it should tell your story. While trends may come and go, your personal taste is timeless. Let’s explore the liberating concept of daring to go your own way in interior design, celebrating the idea that you are the designer of both your life and your home.

Your Home, Your Canvas:

Think of your home as a blank canvas waiting for the strokes of your personal expression. It's easy to get caught up in the latest design fads, but true satisfaction comes from creating a space that resonates with your individuality. Your home should be a free space that mirrors your personality, interests, and experiences. Don't be afraid to break away from conventional norms and let your creativity flow.

Challenging Trends:

Interior design trends often dictate what's considered stylish at a particular moment, but following them blindly might lead to a generic, soulless space. Dare to challenge these trends and question their relevance to your life. Consider how a trend aligns with your tastes and preferences, rather than adopting it simply because it's popular. Remember, timeless design comes from authenticity, not conformity.

Expressing Identity:

Your home is a canvas not only for design elements but also for expressing your identity. Infuse your space with items that hold personal significance – whether it's artwork, travel souvenirs, or family heirlooms. These unique touches not only tell your story but also make your home a haven of memories and individuality.

Creating a Harmonious Blend:

While daring to go your own way in interior design is about embracing your unique style, it's also about creating a harmonious blend of elements. It's not about rejecting all trends, but about curating a space where trends serve as accents to your personal style. Strive for a balance that resonates with your aesthetic sensibilities while keeping your home feeling cohesive and inviting.

Inspiration from Within:

Look inward for inspiration. Your passions, hobbies, and experiences can provide a wealth of ideas for your interior design. Whether it's the colors of your favorite season, the textures of your cherished fabrics, or the ambiance of a special place, draw on these internal sources to create a home that speaks to your soul.

The Liberation of Choice:

Daring to go your own way in interior design is a liberating experience. It's about making choices that resonate with you rather than conforming to societal expectations. Your home is not a showroom; it's a living, breathing extension of yourself. Celebrate the freedom to choose what makes you happy and feel truly at home.

In a world that is drowning in trends, daring to go your own way in interior design is a bold and empowering choice. Your home should be a reflection of your personality, a space where you can truly be yourself. So, let your taste define you, break free from the confines of trends, and create a home that tells your unique story. Remember, in the realm of interior design, you are the master artist, and your home is your masterpiece.

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Livia Troili Livia Troili

Harnessing the Power of Color: How Colors Can Shape Your Mood in Interior Design

how can colors set teh mood that you are in?

Color is a powerful tool in interior design that goes beyond aesthetics. It has the ability to evoke emotions, influence behaviors, and shape moods within a space. Understanding the psychology of color can help homeowners create environments that promote well-being, productivity, and relaxation. In this blog, we explore how different colors can impact your mood and how you can use them effectively in your interior design.

1. The Psychology of Color:

- Red: Known for its association with energy, passion, and excitement, red can stimulate appetite and conversation, making it a great choice for dining areas or social spaces.

- Blue: A calming and serene color, blue promotes relaxation and tranquility. It is ideal for bedrooms, bathrooms, or any space where you want to create a sense of peace.

- Yellow: Yellow is associated with happiness, optimism, and creativity. It can brighten up a space and uplift the mood, making it suitable for kitchens, home offices, or playrooms.

- Green: Symbolizing nature and growth, green has a soothing and refreshing effect. It can promote a sense of balance and harmony, making it perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, or meditation spaces.

- Purple: Often associated with luxury and spirituality, purple can evoke feelings of sophistication and creativity. It can be used as an accent color in bedrooms or lounges to add a sense of opulence.

- Orange: A vibrant and energetic color, orange stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. It can be used sparingly in spaces like home gyms or creative studios to inspire action and motivation.

- Neutral Colors: Whites, grays, and browns are versatile neutral colors that can create a sense of calm and sophistication. They provide a neutral backdrop for other colors to pop and can be used in any room of the house.

2. Applying Color in Interior Design:

- Consider the Function of the Space: Think about the purpose of each room and how you want people to feel when they enter it. Choose colors that align with the desired mood and atmosphere.

- Balance Bold and Subtle Hues: Incorporate a mix of bold and subtle colors to create visual interest and depth in your design. Experiment with different shades, tones, and textures to achieve the desired effect.

- Use Color Psychology Wisely: Pay attention to the psychological effects of each color and use them strategically to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your space.

- Experiment with Accents: Add pops of color through accessories such as throw pillows, rugs, artwork, or accent walls. This allows you to change the color scheme easily without a major overhaulL

Color plays a significant role in shaping our emotions and perceptions within a space. By understanding the psychology of color and applying it effectively in interior design, homeowners can create environments that promote happiness, relaxation, productivity, and overall well-being. Whether you prefer bold and vibrant hues or calming neutrals, the power of color allows you to transform your home into a sanctuary that reflects your personality and enhances your quality of life.

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Livia Troili Livia Troili

how to choose and use pillows

how to change a room with pillows


If you feel like pillows are a mystery, we're here to help. We've outlined the best ways to choose and use pillows in your home. As with most things, it all comes down to personal preference—you just need to find the shape and material that works best for you!

Pick a pillow shape.

Choosing the right pillow is all about finding the perfect fit for your body. The first step is to determine the shape of your head, neck and shoulders.

If you have a small head and neck with narrow shoulders, then a rectangular or contour-shaped pillow will work best for you. If you have an average to large size head with slightly wider shoulders than average (like me), then I recommend choosing round or square pillows that will provide support while still being flexible enough to conform to the curves of our bodies as we move during sleep. If this sounds like it might apply to someone in your life--a husband/boyfriend/father figure perhaps?--then consider buying them one!

Choose materials.

Pillows are available in a variety of materials, including cotton, polyester and silk. You can choose the material that you prefer based on your budget and personal preference. For example:

  • Down and feather pillows are soft but expensive because they're made from real feathers or down (a layer of fine feathers).

  • Polyester pillows are inexpensive and easy to clean; however they may feel less luxurious than other options.

Choose colors.

Color is a powerful tool. It can help you relax and make your space feel bigger or smaller, depending on the color scheme you choose. You don't need to use every color at once--you can mix and match them for an effect that's subtle but effective.

Select size and height.

Select size and height.

Pillows should be the same size as your bed. The goal is to create a nest-like environment that allows you to feel comfortable and supported while sleeping, so if it's not quite right, try again! Pillows should also be 1 inch shorter than the height of your mattress; this rule holds true regardless of whether or not you have a pillow top mattress (which means there is no actual "top" at all). If you have one of these types of mattresses then make sure that both sides are equally flat so as not to create an uneven surface when laying down on either side.

A standard pillowcase will fit any size pillow up until 18 inches in width; after 18 inches they become too big for standard cases and require king sized cases instead. You can find these sizes listed here:

Don't forget about your bed frame.

Don't forget about your bed frame. The height, width and length of your pillows should be the same as those of your mattress. This will ensure a proper fit for your head and neck when sleeping on it.

pillows can make a big difference in how comfortable you feel

Pillows can make a big difference in how comfortable you feel. They can be used to change the look of your room and add comfort to your bed, or they may simply be great for reading, watching TV or napping on. The possibilities are endless!


We hope that we've given you some ideas on how to use pillows, and how to choose the right one for your needs. Remember, there is no one size fits all when it comes to pillows; they're just another way of making your home more comfortable!Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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